Pupster – The Chart IV

The slim down contest continues, though the competitive spirit seems to have waned for Pupster, DaveinTexas, Geoff, and Enas Yorl.

My confidence in the Navy Chart  is shaky, but the tape measure shows I lost 2 inches around my midsection, IN A WEEK?!?  My pants feel loose and I’ve moved up two belt notches, so I suppose it’s possible.  The scale has good news too.  Wow.  Imagine how much better I could do if I actually exercised and quit snacking at bedtime.

Date Body Fat % Weight Diet Cheats Walks this week
1/2/07 33 225 ~ ~
1/7/07 33 220 One handful of Reece’s Pieces 3
1/14/07 33 217 3 1
1/22/07 30 210 2* 0

*Went over my carb limit on two occasions, the diet police believe alcohol was involved.

6 Responses to Pupster – The Chart IV

  1. daveintexas says:

    15 pounds! Dude.

    I have to get serious about this. You’re kicking my ass.

  2. Elzbth says:

    Way to go, Pupster! You can go spelunking without the Crisco.

  3. Enas Yorl says:

    Sorry! The Force is weak with this one, and the Fork is strong. 😦

    Congrats on your progress though! Keep up the good work!

  4. geoff says:

    This little contest is starting to heat up what with that strong fourth week showing by the Pupster. And I just found a charming Irish tavern a couple miles from my house.


  5. skinbad says:

    Question Fitness Fiends: I usually find water boring for lunch. Ye olde break room has fine selections of diet sodas or fruit juice (orange, apple, grapefruit). Is the vitamin content of the juice reason enough to drink it, or is skipping the sugar in the juice and getting the diet soda the smarter move? I ask you JACK GERMOND!

  6. Pupster says:

    Thanks for the encouragement everybody. The Adkins diet is not for everybody, but it works for me. The question is for how long. *Shatner voice* For…how…long?

    Skinbad, I dunno, Atkins forbids pretty much every fruit known to man. I would go for the diet soda.

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