Have a Drink On Me *updated*

I'm very, very happyMonday, April 16th is my 40th Birthday.  I had not planned on making a big deal of it, and unless everyone else I know has suddenly developed super-secret ninja skills, no one else is going to make a big deal of it either. 

 I’ll be stopping by the liquor store on my way home from work and purchasing the oldest bottle of scotch I can afford which is reasonably priced, then I’ll grill out some steaks if the weather holds. 

I’d like to invite all my pretend internet friends to have a drink in honor of my minor milestone on Monday evening. 

So, if you are able, live-comment yourself consuming your favorite adult beverage, push play on the video below,  and raise a toast…to me. 

“Don’t worry ’bout tomorrow, take it today!  Forget about the check, we’ll get hell to pay…Have a drink on me!”


Fun and frivolity after the fold.

*3:00* The boss just told me to hit the road.  When I told him my plan for the evening he shook his head, looked at me, said,”Get the (ef) outa here…” shook his head again, and left my office. 

(I’m not sure if he was being incredulous at my semi-tarded party plans or dismissing me early as a birthday gift.  Either way…I’m outa here.)   


Just couldn’t pull the trigger on an $80 bottle of booze, went with my gut on a 12 year Glenlivet.

It’s too windy to cook out on the deck, so I moved the grill to the garage.  (Which may be on fire, BRB.)

*5:57*Mason Jar

Yep, that’s right, it’s a mason jar.  You got a problem?

Very nice

Mrs. Pupster and the Pupster boys decorated for me. 


 Dinners cooking, Pupster boys are hungry and fighting with each other.  Mrs. Pupster went with the pizza-sized cookie instead of cake. 

*7:30* Dinner presents-001.jpg, Cookie Cake,presents-002.jpg, then presents:  Merle Haggard CD (What?  It’s the greatest drinking music ever!)presents-005.jpg, and MP3 Player,presents-004.jpg.

*8:30* Drinking and listening to Merle. 

And for Dave in Texas: 

*9:12*  I’m going to work on a slide show in photobucket.  All in all, a good time was had by me. 

A dork..yes.  40, I dunno.


Beta Slideshow

100 Responses to Have a Drink On Me *updated*

  1. geoff says:

    Sure thing. And Happy Birthday Eve.

  2. daveintexas says:

    *raises his glass, full of your fine whiskey, in honor of the pups’ Fortieth”

    I drink to you, my fakey intertubes friend. May we pause a moment to revel in this moment, if you’ll pardon the excerpt from the Department of Redundancy Department.

    May your hair stay put. May your nose and ear hair be kind. May you remember to check that fly before you walk out into the world each and every day, else peoples be talkin about your style in cotton.

    You are now a man. Did I say man? I meant old man. And I say that as a guy who’s facing 48 this Sept.

    I feel younger today than I did at 38. I really do.

    Life is good. My birfday wishin for you is contentment, health, the love of your family and friends, the warmth of your very soul.

    You’re a good guy pups.

    Thanks for the booze.

    d in t

  3. kevlarchick says:

    Here’s to your day, Pups. I turned 40 last summer and my mother told me “now you can do whatever the hell you want!”

    I don’t know about all that, but I feel good. 40 is a good time to make a new beginning.

  4. daveintexas says:

    You should begin by sending a bottle of that shit to your ol pal Dave in Texas.

    That would be an awesome beginning my friend.

    Would I ever celebrate you? Oh yes.

  5. […] So, raise a glass to the Pupster on his birthday, and stop by to wish him well. […]

  6. Elzbth says:

    *clink* *gulp* Happy birthday, Pupster. As someone once said (I don’t remember who), “They say that age is all in your mind. The trick is keeping it from creeping down into your body.”

  7. Can’t decide whether to drink *before* I go fix Sprinklers or after.

    I’ll let you know how it turns out.

    Best wishes from the Idaho Spud Geezers.

  8. Enas Yorl says:

    Happy birthday Pupster! I get to have one too the day after yours.

  9. Lipstick says:

    Happy Birthday Pups!

    The forties are the best because you stop giving a crap what other people think. Very liberating!

  10. Mr Minority says:

    I raise my Shiner Bock high, in honor of Pupster’s 40th B-day!!

    40 isn’t so bad, other than my perfect eyesight going south of the border. Hell when I was 40, I still was in Karate, kicking teenager ass!

    Enjoy yourself tomorrow, and I will be drinking a couple (OK, maybe more) brewskis for ya.

    Mr Minority

  11. Pupster says:

    Thanks everybody for the kind words and hearty toasts.

    I just got back from the grocery store with birthday dinner supplies, now I just have to purchase that special bottle of scotch for tomorrow.

    I’m thinking a 20 year old single malt will go best with cake and ice cream.

  12. BrewFan says:

    The GERDs been acting up but I’ll hoist an Alka Seltzer in your honor!

  13. Mrs. Peel says:

    How about some sweet tea? We’re plumb out of alky-hall in these here parts.

    *slurps noisily*

    Damn ice never sits straight in the glass.

    *shakes glass*

    There we go. Here’s to you, Pups!

    *sips daintily*

  14. Michael says:

    I’m thinking a 20 year old single malt will go best with cake and ice cream.

    I’m thinking I could use some directions to your house.

  15. harrison says:

    It’s midnight where I’m at.
    Happy Birthday, Pupster.
    Don’t like getting old?
    Think of the alternative. It puts it back in perspective.
    Me? I say,”Every day I wake up is a good day.”

  16. skinbad says:

    The most adult beverage on the premises is a diet Coke with lime. But I’ll be proud to raise one to a fake internet friend. Hope your day is great and here’s to many more.

  17. S. Weasel says:

    Gentleman Jack is 20, isn’t it? And now you’re forty! <muntz>Ha ha!</muntz>

    Happy B’day, dog! Five thirty in the a.m. here, so I won’t raise my glass just yet — though it might help me drive through the howling gale outside.

    I’m looking at 47 in a month or so. At that point, you don’t care about the age of the whisky so much as the quantity.

  18. compos mentis says:

    Happy Birthday Pupster. I turn 40 in a couple o’ months meself. Have a very good, single barrel bourbon at home of which I will partake this evening in your honor. Here’s to you amigo.

  19. jayne says:

    Happy birthday, Pupster
    I, too, feel things get better after 40. Sort of like a 40 year old tree is better , more beautiful, and useful than a seedling, every year we also grow in stature. Enjoy everyday.

  20. geoff says:

    Sort of like a 40 year old tree is better , more beautiful, and useful than a seedling, every year we also grow in stature.

    …and provide more shade.

  21. harrison says:

    Sort of like a 40 year old tree is better , more beautiful, and useful than a seedling, every year we also grow in stature.

    and have more squirrels in your hair.

  22. Pupster says:

    You know, I’m trying to be somewhat philosophical about the whole “40” thing.

    Some of you are helping.

  23. S. Weasel says:

    […] I consider it no accident that an article about doing the toe should surface in the Toronto Star just in time for Pupster’s 40th birthday. […]

  24. BrewFan says:

    Some of you are helping.

    Somebody once compared being 40 to having one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. Does that thought help?

  25. BrewFan says:

    BTW, Happy B-Day 🙂

  26. OmbudsBen says:

    I’ve got a homebrew with your name on it, tonight, pupster: my India Pale Ale turned out well and has a nice kick, too.

    Only problem is, if I take a drink then howl “happy birthday, pupster!” my two mutts, german shepherd and black lab, will both look for their birthday treats.
    Aw, hell, this way they can celebrate, too.

  27. S. Weasel says:

    I’m waiting until 5. I may be a drunk, but I never touch the stuff before the appointed hour.

  28. mesablue says:

    Happy Birthday pupster!

    If you’re not too drunk already to read this — get moving!

  29. S. Weasel says:

    Are you going to start a new thread to live-blog the inebriation, or should I just crack it open right here?

    Too late!

  30. Pupster says:

    Make yourselves homely gentlemen, preparations are under way and I’m as sober as a Weasel at 4:58.

  31. Pupster says:

    Hokay. Time for the first sip.

    *raises glass*



  32. S. Weasel says:

    Oh, god. Are there many like us? No wonder I don’t leave the house…

  33. Pupster says:

    Whatcha drinkin’ Weasel?

  34. Pupster says:

    I’m updating the post periodically. Maybe I should just comment?



  35. Pupster says:

    Okay, grills ready…who wants burgers and who wants weiners?

  36. S. Weasel says:

    I’m drinking cheap vodka. I keep my vodka in the freezer. It doesn’t actually freeze, but stays lovely and cold. Over ice. With tonic.

    Love that quinine.

    My mother tried to induce labor with quinine. She had kept me in the oven two weeks too long. Found out afterwards she was deathly allergic to quinine. Best medical bets were I was going to be born brain-dead.

    Let the jokes commence!

  37. Pupster says:


    Where did you get to quinine?

    Did you start early Weasel?

  38. S. Weasel says:

    Quinine is in tonic. That’s why it’s called tonic, and why the Brits in tropical climes put it in their gin.

    My grandfather caught malaria. In New Orleans. All hail DDT.

    I started at five. As I explained before, that is not early.

  39. S. Weasel says:

    Five o’clock. Not five years old.

  40. Pupster says:

    ‘kay. Tonic. Gotcha.

    I’m not being much of a host, I’m trying to get dinner cooked. I think my dog smells your cats.

    Just push him off the couch.

  41. S. Weasel says:

    I make it a habit not to push dogs off of things. They have all that sharp, pointy cutlery in their mouths, and all I have is this glass of liquid.

    The Glass of Liquid is, however, very effective against cats.

  42. Pupster says:

    You got a favorite toast, Weasel?

    (Melba, right?)

    *raises glass in anticipation*

  43. S. Weasel says:

    Always drink to excess, dude.

  44. Pupster says:


    dinners ready, BRB

  45. Happy Birthday pup! I gave you the same wish on Weasel’s furry blog but I had to here too. Don’t pee on anything you want to keep. Unless your wife likes that kind of thing, you know, who am I to judge.

  46. geoff says:

    I shall be pleased to join the proceedings in about 3 1/2 hours, if any of you are still about.

  47. S. Weasel says:

    I’m upstairs for cartoons on the laptop now. Y’all keep Pupster away from the sharp instruments, hm?

  48. Pupster says:

    Dinners done…presents opened…second drink poured…updating post..

    *Raises glass*

    – H/T S. Weasel

  49. Mrs. Peel says:

    Happy birthday!

    I just fell dead asleep on the couch for like an hour and I didn’t even have alcohol as an excuse. Sweet.

  50. S. Weasel says:

    presents! what were they? I love presents!

  51. Pupster says:

    Heh. Weasel, Pupster boys are watching some “our” era Tom & Jerry cartoons and laughing their asses off. Is that the same thing you are watching?

    MP3 player, Merle Haggard CD, and a Tickle Me Elmo.

    Well, I think the Elmo might have been a joke.

  52. Pupster says:

    welcome Mrs. Peel. You just make yourself comfortable. You like dogs…right?

  53. Pupster says:

    Hey, christopher…glad you can make it.

    What are you drinking?

  54. S. Weasel says:

    Felix the Cat. Not the one I remember from the year I dropped out of college. The twenties version…

    The WB Tom and Jerry team? Two guys named Hanna and Barbera. They later did something else you might recall.

  55. Pupster says:

    Thanks for checking in. Burgers are gone, but I’ve got some beer here…somewhere…

    *Raises glass*

    You guys are the best pretend internet friends ever!

    *wipes tear*

  56. Pupster says:

    The Tom & Jerry that doesn’t suck…from the 40’s, on Boomerang Channel.

    I guess it’s not “our” era.

    I claim the 40’s and 50’s cartoons as my own, even though I was born decades later. I’m kind of stupid like that.

  57. geoff says:

    Felix the Cat. Not the one I remember from the year I dropped out of college.

    Wasn’t that Ralph Bakshi’s Fritz the Cat?

  58. S. Weasel says:

    Actually, I’ve never seen this Felix before. God bless the $3 bargain bin at Stop ‘n’ Shop.

  59. mesablue says:

    Is everyone drunk yet?

    Just getting started here — I only have Canadian beer in the fridge so it will take me a while to catch up.

  60. Me? Water. Ice water, it’s all I really can handle these days. I used to guzzle iced tea like a maniac. Don’t much care for alcohol, and the way my body reacts to sugar, I’d have to stick to like… vodka anyway. You guys have the fun, I’ll drive.

  61. Pupster says:

    I added some Merle videos to the post, my favorite drinking music.

    I’m not drunk, just poured my 3rd scotch. Pacing is the key.

    What’s a good toast Mesa..or Christopher?

    *raises glass*

  62. Pupster says:

    Down to the label on the Glenlivet…feeling a little froggy.

    I think I just sprouted ear hair.

    *raises glass*

    I’ll never buy new clothes again!

  63. Enas Yorl says:

    Happy birthday Pupster! It’s Wild Turkey bourbon & coke over here. To Pupster’s ear hairs – long may they wave!

  64. Pupster says:

    Thanks Enas.

    And happy birthday to you in a few hours.

  65. For toasts I always liked “May the good lord take a likin’ to ya, and blow ya up real good!

    Too much SCTV in my youth.

  66. mesablue says:

    Here’s to a long life and merry one.
    A quick death and an easy one.
    A pretty girl and a willing one.
    A cold beer–and another one.

    May you live as long as you want
    And never want as long as you live

  67. Pupster says:

    Oh, HELL YEAH!

    Very nice fellas.


  68. mesablue says:

    Doh! A Beer! I want a beer…
    Ray, the guy who buys me beer.
    Me, the guy whom Ray buys beer…
    Far, the way to go for beer.
    So, I think I’ll have a beer,
    La, la la la la la la.
    Tea? No thanks, I’ll have a beer…
    And that brings us back to Doh! doh! Doh!

  69. compos mentis says:

    May the most you wish for be the least you get! Happy 40th amigo viejo.

  70. Pupster says:

    Heh heh. Homer is my hero.

  71. Pupster says:

    Thanks Compos.

    Whatcha drinking?

  72. Pupster says:

    Pupster boy 1 is out of bed, Mrs. Pupster is asleep,

    This looks like a job for…

    *Theme music*


  73. geoff says:

    30 minutes and counting…

  74. Drunken Dad says:

    *Stumbles into hallway*

    Greetings citizen. You are up awful late…may I escort you back to your sleeping quarters?

    Pupster boy 1- I can’t sleep…

    Of course you can’t. You are walking around the house. That’s not the way. Allow me to put you to some knowledge.

    Pupster boy 1- What?

    Sleeping requires you to be in bed with your eyes closed.

    Pupster boy 1-…Ooookayyy…

    Glad to be of service. Off to bed with you.

    *Theme music*

  75. geoff says:

    Just popped open a Bass. I love the sound the first slug of beer makes as it glugs down the neck.

    Ah yes – that’s the sound.

    Happy Birthday, Pupster.

  76. Pupster says:

    Welcome to the party, pal.

    *raises glass*

    Here’s to you, my fine friend.

    May your trolls be lethargic, your graduate courses be repeats of previous studies, and your charts and graphs always be lucid.


  77. Pupster says:

    *pulls pants up above navel*

    *frowns with whole face*

    *Waves fist stiffly*

    Get off my lawn!

  78. geoff says:

    Cookie cakes are awesome. Only thing better is ice cream cake. There’s a thought – two cookie cakes with a thick layer of ice cream in the middle.

    We’re celebrating my soon-to-be 11 year old’s birthday this weekend. The wife has taken up the challenge of making him a cake that looks like a Playstation controller. Should be very interesting.

  79. mesablue says:

    It’d be easier just to make it look like the console.

    Black frosting, yumm.

  80. Pupster says:

    “…two cookie cakes with a thick layer of ice cream in the middle.”

    I’ve actually had a cookie and ice cream sandwich like you describe. And I would like one again now.

    *opens freezer*

  81. geoff says:

    It’d be easier just to make it look like the console.

    Hah! We scoff at the challenge! [and a console is our fall-back position]

  82. geoff says:

    I’ve actually had a cookie and ice cream sandwich like you describe. And I would like one again now.

    But it’s the pizza size that’s key, KEY I tell you!

  83. mesablue says:


    There are triple chocolate Dove Bars in my fridge.

    Chocolate and beer….

  84. Pupster says:

    Erg. Maybe MORE cookie and ice cream was a bad idea.

  85. Pupster says:

    I changed my clock.

    Testy test.

  86. Anyone with Lo Pan as a avatar can’t be all bad.

  87. geoff says:

    Anyone with Lo Pan as a avatar can’t be all bad.

    At last – someone recognizes it. All the IBers keep calling it a bunny.

  88. Pupster says:

    I’m gonna turn in folks.

    Help yourselves to anything you find in the fridge.

    Good-night, and Thanks!

    Oh, and Mrs. Pupster wanted me to remind you to use coasters.

    Seriously, she made me say that.

  89. mesablue says:

    No problem, I’ll just sleep on the couch.

    Seems like you had a good B-Day.

  90. skinbad says:

    I missed the drinking (I’m sure you’re surprised) but am glad you had a good birthday.

    Let’s see:

    Whatever you wish for me,
    may you have twice as much.

  91. S. Weasel says:

    It is morning and I is sober. Boo.

    Many happy returns, Pupster.

  92. compos mentis says:

    So how’s the Pupster feeling today, eh?

    My wife makes those giant chocolate chip cookies instead of a cake sometimes. They are fookin’ great.

    And if I’m drinking Jack or Beam and coke, nothing beats drinking it out of a mason jar. I don’t know why. But you and I aren’t the only ones who think so.

    Hope you had a great one.

  93. Pupster says:

    I feel fine as frog’s hair. I guess one of the “good” things about getting older is having enough experience at drinking to know your limits. I just got down to a little below the label last night, and that was on top of a big meal with a couple of big glasses of ice water back.

    Good whiskey helps as well.

    Apparently Mrs. Pupster had a semi-sleepless night with all the snoring and aromatic whiskey fumes from my end of the bed…but she’s a trooper.

    I love drinking out of a “nice” tumbler, but I don’t have any (2 kids), so a mason jar is my next best option.

    Thanks again to everyone who stopped by, I had a great time.

  94. geoff says:

    I feel fine as frog’s hair.

    Even after listening to Merle Haggard?

  95. BrewFan says:

    I’m glad you had a great birthday. I love old school country. Don’t laugh but I just recently downloaded a few Eddy Arnold tunes 🙂

  96. harrison says:

    Hey! I’m here!!
    Aw, nuts. I quess I missed it.
    Well, 41 is right around the corner.

  97. geoff says:


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